Saturday, November 28, 2009

अपुन का कविता समाहार

I'm just posting some of my attempted poetric works. Please comment as I don't know whether they are good.

Time depart without saying a word,
People diminish without counting time..
But they make an impact on the audience of what they lost.
If you miss me after me, it is what that really counts....
The love felt for you in my heart is like a robe of snow,
The essence leads you to nirvana and my heart is an eden-make.
In this winter night my eyes are knitting dreams,
The beautiful ones hath made you an angel,
others made you affable...
The morning light vapourised you from my mind as a dewdrop,
which melted my heart...

The morning window caressed by dewdrops,
cold water filling joy of living onto your face,
and chilled breeze taking you to that sacred past..
Its true we get blessed for getting up early...

नाराज़ हम दुश्मनों से भी नही होता,
अदावत कभी दिल में नही रखता,
बस इक चोट्टी सी फ़िक्र है,
रूट गए दोस्ती को यादों से तितलियों की तरह उड़ा देता हूँ॥
Dewdrops are the joy of morning,
But were the sorrow of a mournful night...
The cries we've thrown today, will flourish as flowers tomorrow...

समय कभी टिकता नही, फासले कभी मिटता नही॥
कुच्छ सपने भूलते, कुच्छ यादें भुलाते नही ।
मौसम सुहानी hai, चाँद की तारे है,
क्या कोई अपना है, या फिर सपना है,
मेरे बेबस दिल साए में रहता है, मगर प्यार तुम्ही से करता है.....