Saturday, January 22, 2011

Local Train

Bombay, i feel, is always my second home. A bunch of good experiences, good friends, healthy life style, there are a lot more reasons why I love Bombay. Today, I'd like tell you another of my experiences I had at this beautiful place.

After I left my job at Delhi for many reasons, I was back to Bombay in June 2009. I wanted to start afresh, forgetting the past. I had to try my luck again at Bombay. It was my 3rd Bombay life. I went on a full fledge job hunt, which didn't work out well. The city which always had supported me seemed to have lost all the love and affection for me. I gave something like 17 interviews, I dropped my resume around the globe. Nothing but disappointment was left in me. My wallet was size zero as the body of Kareina Kapoor. When I came to Bombay in June I had 3000 bucks with me, and it has now reduced to a mere 300 in August. My financial status was real mess, a credit card payment of 60k pending and other loans too. This made my situation worse. I just kept myself low, and calm so that I don't explode out my frustrations.

Fed up of job hunt, I started looking out for freelance jobs which might help me survive for a while. Sooner, I started omitting my lunch to save my money. I got a season ticket from Belapur to VT and roam from Dockyard line to Bellard Estate everyday to find work or job.

This day was very hectic, as I met like 7 vendors and had 2 interviews in a row. I was fully tired and hungry. I was craving for food, but was reluctant due to money shortage. I was sitting at the VT station. 3-4 trains passed by, but I sat like I don't care or as if I was waiting for something. The rush at the station was normal as it was just 4 in the evening.

That was when I noticed this guy, tall, lean and handsome. He wore a white shirt, black trousers and a black leather shoes. He had a small brown leather suitcase in his hand. He looked like a perfect sales executive to me. He had a shine on his face, and a smart grin too. He looked to very very happy.

He sat on a bench next to me and looked straight on to me. I tried to confine to myself. He looked around to make sure no one was looking at him. Once he did that, he pulled out his wallet, which had the brand name Wrangler printed on it. Cool purse, I admit. It had his photo on it, also of Lord Hanuman and of an old lady probably his mother.

There was a bunch of cards inside it, and he was looking through each one of them. I could understand that all were simple business cards and no debit or credit cards. I couldn't help noticing it by the way. Also, there was not a penny in that wallet. Then his hands went inside his shirt pocket only to find the season ticket. I couldn't understand why I didn't stop gazing at him. There is something wrong with this guy, I thought. He then opened his suitcase, and took a big file. As he unzipped the file, I could see his certificates, a lot. I don't know what all it was, but plain certificates. He got a cover inside and then he looked relaxed. It was 25 bucks inside, he took the 5 rupee note from that, kept everything inside and closed the suitcase. All of a sudden he looked at me and our sight clashed. He understood I was noticing him all the while. The grin on his face was replaced by the frustrated look, probably I could see all the hatred he had for the city and life on his face. I thought he would break down. After a while, he just moved to the tea shop and bought 2 vada paav. He consumed it in no time, I felt like he was starving for a long long time. He drank water from the filthy mug and washed his face. As he cleaned his face with the blue towel, his grin reappeared.

Untill then being confused what to do, I was sitting on the bench staring at him. I got into the Harbour line train to Belapur, and sat on a window seat. As the train started, the guy too got into the train. He sat next to me. I didn't give any more attention to him as I was lost in my own worries for the while. After a while he said hi to me. I replied with a smile.

He continued, " I don't know who you are. You were completely noticing me all the while and might have understood my current situation. Yes, I'm in search of a job for the past 4-5 months. All my money got drained and nothing is left in me. I'm doing all possible jobs in here to survive. I'm sure my condition will be better after a while. My hope is as big as this city."

It was sudden, I was speechless. Before I could speak he got down from the train and vanished into the crowd. Station name read Govandi and my train moved on.